Friday, April 30, 2010

Stream of Consciousness Update

Hunter has been doing super well at school. Each day, his teachers tell us how proud of him they are. He is talking up a storm, volunteering, helping, and being a great little man. We're totally thrilled with his behavior at school! Next year, he will switch not only teachers and classrooms, but schools as well. Hunter tends to take awhile to "warm up" to new situations, so we might be starting back at square one, but we're already discussing the changes with him and drive by his new school several times a week so he can see it.

Speaking of proud, I'm proud of our dogs. The other day, I let them out on the porch while I made lunch. Usually within a minute or two, Miley is ready to come in and will bark to let me know. Well, 15 minutes later, she still was not barking, so I went to check on them. The gate was WIDE open and the dogs were gone! I was freaked out as we are in pretty close proximity to two busy roads. I called for them, and they were right around the corner and came running back at full force. So proud they didn't run off.

I'm sick today. And yesterday. And Wednesday too for that matter. It's just a throaty cold I think - my voice is gone. I'm sure Chase loves that.

I took part of a senior photo fair at my old high school the other day. Some perks of being "in" with the yearbook staff meant I got to go for free, which was exciting. Free advertising is the best kind. Anyways, I had a pretty good response I think and am excited about extending my photography into more seniors this year.

Oh, and, I might be able to speak with their yearbook staff next year on turning photography into a career, which would be cool.

I (well, we as a family, but mostly me) have started sponsoring (okay, sort of sponsoring) a child from Ethiopia. Kongit is a 13 year old girl. I just sent her my first letter the other day. I've always wanted to do something like this and finally found Compassion International. I hope we can keep in touch with Kongit until she's 18 and "out of the program." I'm really excited to get a letter back from her!!

Chase and I are taking part of a HUGE playgroup anniversary party next week. They are expecting over 100 people. I'm going to take candids of the kids playing around and the families enjoying the sun (hopefully!). Later, the families will have the ability to purchase the photos from me, and to sign up for discounted sessions. I have a pretty big feeling it's going to go really well. I'm very excited about it.

Chase got an idea for a new window site. He has a feeling it's going to go really really well. I'm crossing my fingers for him because that's about all the support I can offer him as what he does is totally above my head.

More on Hunter...his talking has increased by leaps and bounds. He doesn't really know how to be quiet anymore. He is constantly making up songs, asking to call people on the phone, asking me questions, telling me what I'm wearing and what the weather is like and telling me all the places he needs to go (the zoo, Monkey Bizness, Taco Bell, Jimmy Johns, Saxon's house, Grandma's house, Gami's house, Opa's house, gymnastics, swimming pool, the grocery store, the dog food store, the gym).

The other day, a friend posted a blog on Out of the mouths of Moms. That night, Chase told Hunter at dinner "Nut, bacon doesn't sit."

Yesterday, Hunter was talking to me (nonstop of course) about something in the car. His friend, Saxon, wanted to tell me something and Hunter says "Wait Saxon! I'm talking to my Mommy!"

Hunter's been on a sandwich kick. He wants either PB&J or Grilled Cheese EVERYDAY.

Right now, Hunter is telling me it's snowing. I refuse to get up and acknowledge him because I refuse to acknowledge that it might possibly very well be snowing. We're ready for summer!