Today marks the end. The end of the '08 Bronco football season. A lot of people find it strange that I'm so into football -- in fact, I find it a little strange. I look forward to the games all week. Hunter has several Bronco outfits, Bronco shoes, hats, etc. Chase and I both have Bailey jerseys that we wear religiously from August to...the end. This year, the end has come today, and my jersey shall hibernate in the back of my closet until next year.
I'm disappointed, although not surprised. While our offense is hot, they are often unpredictable. Great passes are often dropped. Not so great passes are often made, and I've come to expect at least one turn over every game due strictly to Cutler's cockiness. Our defense is another story. They suck, period. Now, don't get me wrong -- I'm a big fan of several of our players (proof: I didn't buy the Bailey jerseys simply because that's all that was left in the clearance section...) Ekuban always shows up. Bly would be great if he wasn't compared to Bailey. But the rest...meh?
And Chase sits downstairs and faithfully watches us lose, I've already retired my jersey to the hamper for the night, and have moved on. Tomorrow, I'll focus on more important things such as the Nuggets (no, no I will not, I hate basketball). Tomorrow, I'll focus on the Colts killing the Chargers next week so I can feel some satisfaction in having our rival walk away with their heads hung how I did tonight.
So tonight, I say goodbye to salsa, guac, and "chipies." I say goodbye to cuddling on the couch with Chase only to jump up every 52 seconds in either victory or defeat. I say goodbye to watching the Robot stomp across Fox's screen as Chase complains that it always takes too long for Fox to show the replay. I will say goodbye to my pink jersey.
Next August, I'll happily welcome the Broncos back into open arms and support them once again, but for heart has been broken.
BTW -- you need to click on this picture to view the full thing and understand it!
Grief vs. Mourning
4 years ago
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