Friday, April 24, 2009

In serious need of an update!

Time really flies. It's been so long since I updated. Oh well. Life happens.

These are from our snow storm last weekend. It was 80 one day...then, the next day, we had a blizzard! I LOVE Colorado! Unfortunately, I was sick all weekend, but Chase and Hunter had some fun in the snow with the dogs! It was Hunter's real first time playing in the snow this season...and last I hope! His snowpants are getting too small!

I'm ready to go Mom!

Are my boys not the best?!? I LOVE this picture of them...even without faces!

This was part way through the storm! I think we ended up with about 15 inches or so! It was all gone 2 days later leaving us with GREEN GREEN grass!

I love Jetta's ears in this one!

Jetta and Miley size me, Miley is TINY, but she's actually really tall. She's just VERY skinny!