Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. (

*I so didn't leave a load of laundry in the washer for three days so that yesterday I would have to waste energy, soap and water to re-wash what was in there. I am far more responsible than that.

*I totally haven't bribed my son with everything under the sun for the last 5 days trying to get him to use the potty. I am a much better parent than one who uses every form of bribery to try and see some success. P.S. The bribery is not working.

*My son has not sat on the potty for 45 minutes at a time just to get off, put on his underwear and IMMEDIATELY pee in them. Nope, my son really wants to use the potty and is super excited about it and would never do something like that.

*I did not just give into my son's request to have a Rice Krispie treat at 8AM this morning so I could write this post/edit a shoot from yesterday in some sort of peace. I am much better at micromanaging, multi-tasking and being a Mom.

*I did not write this post at 8AM this morning and then refresh MckMama's page every 2 minutes to see when her Not Me Monday post would be posted. Nope, I am certainly not that obsessive, nor am I procrastinating editing pictures every single time I refresh her page.

Well, that's it for me today. What have you not done lately?

1 Comment:

Jennifer said...

You will have to share with me (us, lol) your potty training tips...once you get him to actually go potty on the potty. Haha. I am dreading potty training :).