I really liked doing stream of consciousness writing back in high school. That's why it's taken over my blog lately. Plus, it's just easy to get it all out at once without thinking about trying to be too organized.
Summer is totally the epitome of my life. I love summer more than I can express in words. And then I remembered...now, I'm a Mom. Hunter's not going to be in school for 3 hours a day anymore. Uhm. What I am going to do now? When am I suppose to go to the gym? Play Sims 3? Take a nap? Oh man, summer might suck!
No, I'm mostly kidding. I'm excited to do fun things with Nutty this summer. He's stoked to hang out at the pool, ride around in his jeep, play baseball, take gymnastics lessons (again), go to the park, the zoo, and hang out with friends we haven't seen in awhile. I just don't know how I'm going to handle not having "me" time anymore - I've gotten a little spoiled I guess!
I planted tomatoes. I'm documenting their journey through photos. They will be ready to go outside in a few days. They are my new babies, and I love them a lot. I hope my nurturing gives does them well!
I did my playgroup photo event on Saturday. It went really well. I had a ton of fun, and got some great shots. You can see them here: http://www.innovativeimage.org/?page_id=3933. Notice the new format of my gallery? Yea, I was really excited about that. I HATED my old galleries, so I'm stoked to have a new one.
I'm going to buy a new lens and new flash soon. I can't wait. I feel like all this photo stuff is kinda starting to come together. Thanks Canon 50D and my wonderful husband for letting me buy it.
We still have two frogs. I just thought it was important to let everyone know that I have not killed them yet. Hmm...speaking of frogs, I should probably feed them.
My best friend in the entire world just graduated with her degree in Radiology. I am SO proud of her.
My husband surprised me with a date night last week. We went to Jimmy Johns, which is my favorite place in the world, followed by a "Movie and Martini" at The Wildlife Experience. We saw the original Indian Jones. It was such a fun night, and I'm thankful Chase loves me enough to want to surprise me with nights out during the middle of the week.
Glee time!
1 Comment:
Impromtu dates are FABULOUS! So glad you got to have couple time! And don't worry about summer, just get creative. If Hunter doesn't nap, then set up a 1-hr. quiet time for him. It can be reading books in his room, coloring, watching a movie. You can even change his choices daily. I agree, summer does give me a little stress when I think about not having time to myself to get things done!
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