Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. (

There is no way I would spend $855 of our tax refund when it hadn't deposited in our bank account yet. Nope. I would never be crazy enough to spend our bill money to buy a camera. I would always do the responsible thing and wait until we actually had the money to buy my new toys.

I also would never spend an hour on the phone with the IRS this morning sitting on hold waiting to be told that our tax refund will in fact, not be there until NEXT Friday. Maybe. Because that's "just the way it is." Nope. I wouldn't waste an hour of my time to find out our bills still won't get paid this week.

I also would not go to the gym twice this weekend only to stop on the way home and get a giant slurpee from 7-11. Nope, I have so much more will power than that.

Speaking of gym...I would also never put off going and doing some cardio and instead take a 4 hour nap. No. That would be crazy. I would never do something so motivation-free like that.

I also would never leave a weekends full of dishes in the sink because I took a four hour nap instead of being somewhat productive. Nope. Dishes always come before naps.

I would never give up on my new year's resolution less than a month into it. Nope. I will always do my new year's resolution. My photos of the day are patiently waiting to be uploaded. Of course they are. I would never not document our boring days.