I've done a lot of complaining over the past 9 months (just ask my husband...). Pregnancy is not an enjoyable journey for me - but now that we're almost done (11 days!!!), I wanted to write down all the things I've been thankful for (in no particular order...)
My husband. See the part above about me complaining. Through it all, Chase remained positive and supportive. In the beginning, when I was so weak and dehydrated - he brought me whatever food I asked for (countless Otter Pops in most cases), rubbed my back as I threw up even when I tried to push him away, and told me over and over again that I could and would get through it. As I was able to hold more food down, the hip pain quickly settled in and he continuously told me to get off my feet while he took care of the household tasks, gave me massages every night, normally without being asked, and helped me stand up and steady myself every time I needed. The further along we got in the pregnancy, the worse things have gotten, and although I know it can not be easy for him to go to work all day and then come home and deal with me and my ball of complaints, he just gives me hugs and holds me when I cry and reminds me that I've already gotten through so much and how it's almost over. I'm eternally grateful for him and the love, support, and dedication he has shown me through this journey.
My son. August was a month full of changes for me - but for Hunter as well! We went from being by each others sides through most of every day, to him starting Kindergarten full time. He also dealt with losing some of his closest friends as we stopped nannying and finding out he was going to be a big brother. All in a matter of weeks. And yet...he has dealt with it all far better than I could have imagined. He loves school, and excels there. His teachers (like most people we come across) love him. At home, he is helpful, sweet and understanding. During those early months, he took care of me far more than I took care of him....joining right along with his Dad to bring me food in bed and tell me how much he loved me and that it was okay that he was taking care of himself. He has grown tremendously in the past year, and I am so proud of the "big boy" he is becoming. I can not wait to watch him with his sister...
Our families. The support they have shown us has been tremendous - although I expected no less knowing who they are. We are so blessed and lucky to have them - for our kids to have such wonderful grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
My friends. Specifically the two who always tried to keep me laughing and smiling. For all the support through tears that sometimes seemed constant. For giving me permission to cry. For continuously checking in on me to make sure I was okay. They helped to keep me on the outskirts of depression rather than in the middle of it - and I'm forever grateful to that!
My clients. Giving up parts of my business was, and still is a big struggle for me. I'm thankful for all the clients who have become friends who supported me through this. I'm thankful for all of their support and understanding, as well as their dedication to me. I'm thankful for all the people who have inquired about when I will be back and have started setting up summer sessions - letting me know that they will still be around when I come back.
My doctor and his staff. They gave me a safe place to fall. In the beginning, my nurse called me every day to see how I was doing - she went above and beyond what I would have ever expected. My doctor called me to make sure I was okay. When I broke down sobbing in his office, he hugged me and told me it would be okay. He understood what I was going through. He never tried to minimize it. I'm really thankful for that...
Zofran, B6, Unisom, Reglan. Progesterone. Drugs that kept me from being hospitalized Drugs that kept me going. Drugs that kept Ayla alive. I am not a "pill popping" person. I dislike taking anything not deemed necessary on a regular basis, let alone during pregnancy...but my regime of drugs is what continues to get me through. Zantac has also been a good one lately :). I just wish they were a little bit cheaper ;).
Otter Pops. When all else failed, I could almost always hold down at least part of an Otter Pop. Being able to get hydration from them during the early months kept me from having to get IVs.
The tree at Hunter's bus stop. Early in the fall, our HOA guys cut half of it, leaving me a nice stump that is waist high to sit on every day while I wait for Hunter. It seems like a silly thing to be thankful for - but on the days where I can barely hold myself up, the stump does it for me, and I'm thankful or that.
Hunter's teachers. My involvement in Hunter's school isn't even sort of what I imagined it would be. I chose my job with the understanding and intention that I could spend a good amount of time in the classroom helping out and be active and involved in Hunter's education. In reality, I haven't spent a second volunteering - and I feel incredibly bad about that. But I also know that Hunter's teachers are wonderful, are doing a great job, and have provided him with the tools to succeed when I haven't been able to.
My Facebook Birth Club. A bunch of hormonal, pregnant girls all due about the same time as me! Having others know what I'm going through and being able to complain and get support from them is wonderful. And knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles! I'm thankful for the friendships that have been built, and all the healthy babies that are arriving each week!
And last...but certainly not least...Ayla. She is certainly not the nicest baby to ever exist in a womb, but she is mine, and through all the pain, discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and overall suffering that being pregnant with her has caused, I'm thankful that I am being blessed with her - that she is mine, and I have been able to be on this journey. We didn't know that it would happen...I feared we would lose her before we knew she even existed...but her and I are fighters and we've come a long way together already. I'm excited for her future and to get to know my daughter.
Grief vs. Mourning
4 years ago
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