Monday, September 1, 2008

Laborless days

"it was labor day weekend, i was seventeen. i bought a coke and some gasoline and i drove out to the county fair. when i saw her for the first time, she was standing there in the ticket line, and it all started right then and there. " there's some good ole tim mcgraw for your enjoyment!

so this labor day, we went down the pueblo with al, brandi, kim, adam and peyton. chase and i chose to leave hunter, jetta and miley with grandma and grandpa while we enjoyed a relaxing weekend to ourselves. the weather was great, although the water was a bit chilly. i think we all had fun.
- this jet ski goes a little too fast for me. why someone would want to go 69MPH on the water is beyond me, but i think chase does it just to make me scream.
al and brandi - maybe brandi will kill me for putting this picture in here :)

chase and i hanging out at the front of the boat.

here is kimber water skiing for the first time in a few years...
here is kimber falling :)

peyton rarely gives me a smile when i have my camera out..

chase pushing me off the boat while al snapped the picture. evidently, this was planned -- not very nice!
chase and i jumping off the top of al's boat. i did this just to get this picture. haha.

chase and i enjoying the cold water. this lasted for approximately long enough to take this picture before we climbed back into the boat.

jumping the wake on the jet ski. take note of how tight i am holding on...
before the trip, hunter and i made some yummy oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies -- hunter loved them!

awww, here's my little man in his tux for kim and adam's wedding! doesn't he look too cute?

so, that's how our life has been going lately! i also started another blog the other night. this one is just a place for me to write about the books i read, and what they make me think about. check it out here: