Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let's Go Rockies, Let's Go!

I guess I have a lot to blog about, but not a ton of time...

Friday night we went to the Rockies game with my Mom and Dad. Chase's dad was nice enough to get us awesome front row tickets, and we had a blast! It was so much fun...

It was a great game, followed by an even better fireworks show, and an extremely croweded lightrail ride home!

I guess pictures are better than words, so here's a few from the game, and a video of part of the end of the fireworks show. 

Hunter and I love to bake cookies almost as much as we love to eat them! Here we are making our new favorite oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies! Daddy just happened to be home to capture it!

Lol, Hunter has a good friend named Jillian. Here is a cute video of the two of them showing their love...

I have five job interviews this week. Wish me luck on Monday morning and Wednesday morning, as those are the two I want to accept. :) More details to come if I get them....