We've started playing a lot of games lately. On top of all of Hunter's games, we've been showing him how to play Yahtzee. He is a very skilled Yahtzee player and can get straight after straight. We need to take him to Vegas...
Oh, and his Yahtzee skills are only enhanced when wearing his Power Ranger mask.
1-9: Hunter has been OBSESSED with taking pictures lately. Sound familiar? Chase blames me..I'm not sure why. Anywhoodle, Hunter is always asking me to take his picture, and is constantly taking pictures of both Chase and I. The only problem with his little camera below is that the flash is UBER bright and Hunter holds it UBER closer to your face.
1-11: Continuing with things that Hunter likes, he's also totally obsessed with oranges (and the color orange). He would eat 12 (or more) a day if I let him. What's even better is the way he says orange. It's like "Owwannnngee."
1-12: Last Tuesday, it hit nearly 60 degrees, so we took advantage of the unseasonably warm January weather by heading to the zoo. It was beautiful, and we had tons of fun. Saxon and Hunter were SO into it this time. They loved talking about all the animals, what colors they were, what sounds they made, etc. It was really fun!
The next day, we headed to the museum with Mandy. Two days in a row without naps turned out okay for Hunter, but, Mommy's not ready to give up naps yet, so Hunter will continue to head to his room at 1PM on most days.
The museum was a lot of fun. Hunter, like at the zoo, loved talking about what he was seeing. It's fun watching his vocabulary develop.
I taught Hunter how to spray whipped cream in his mouth. This is a skill I believe all three year olds need to know!
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