Today marks the end. The end of the '08 Bronco football season. A lot of people find it strange that I'm so into football -- in fact, I find it a little strange. I look forward to the games all week. Hunter has several Bronco outfits, Bronco shoes, hats, etc. Chase and I both have Bailey jerseys that we wear religiously from August to...the end. This year, the end has come today, and my jersey shall hibernate in the back of my closet until next year.
I'm disappointed, although not surprised. While our offense is hot, they are often unpredictable. Great passes are often dropped. Not so great passes are often made, and I've come to expect at least one turn over every game due strictly to Cutler's cockiness. Our defense is another story. They suck, period. Now, don't get me wrong -- I'm a big fan of several of our players (proof: I didn't buy the Bailey jerseys simply because that's all that was left in the clearance section...) Ekuban always shows up. Bly would be great if he wasn't compared to Bailey. But the rest...meh?
And Chase sits downstairs and faithfully watches us lose, I've already retired my jersey to the hamper for the night, and have moved on. Tomorrow, I'll focus on more important things such as the Nuggets (no, no I will not, I hate basketball). Tomorrow, I'll focus on the Colts killing the Chargers next week so I can feel some satisfaction in having our rival walk away with their heads hung how I did tonight.
So tonight, I say goodbye to salsa, guac, and "chipies." I say goodbye to cuddling on the couch with Chase only to jump up every 52 seconds in either victory or defeat. I say goodbye to watching the Robot stomp across Fox's screen as Chase complains that it always takes too long for Fox to show the replay. I will say goodbye to my pink jersey.
Next August, I'll happily welcome the Broncos back into open arms and support them once again, but for heart has been broken.
BTW -- you need to click on this picture to view the full thing and understand it!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Broken hearts.
Posted by Holly at Sunday, December 28, 2008 0 thoughts
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Who is this man in the red suit??
I've had a lot of time off lately due to the Holidays, as well as due to well-timed snow storms on Tuesdays and Thursdays (the day I work out in the boonies in Franktown...) You would think due to that, I would be better at updating. I'm not. :)
Here is the end of November and December through pictures... - Thanksgiving with my family! Chase, Hunter and I had already eaten, so we skipped dinner. They didn't feel necessary to put us at the table, and instead sat us off to the side...The good news though...I didn't have to participate in dishes! Whoo!
This picture makes me laugh, but, unfortunately it's not the best quality. Chase was rough housing with my nephews and Hunter just HAD to get involved...
- This is one of my favorite pictures ever! This is exactly what Chase and Hunter do together - especially on lazy Saturday mornings.
- Hunter was reading to Miley from "Things That Go"
My nephews have this Bronco helmet and Hunter is absolutely obsessed with doesn't hurt that he looks super cute with it on...He is pretty convinced though that with the helmet on, he is invincible and goes around ramming his head into things...Concussion before the age of three -- definitely possible.
I promise you he is laughing in this picture and not crying!
- He's going to be pretty upset one day when the trailer snaps in half because it can no longer support his weight.... I guess it IS a Tonka though...
- My dogs think they have an extremely hard life...although it was hard to watch the Bronco's lose I suppose...
- I'm fairly obsessed with my Christmas tree. I got an unexpected photo order mid- November leading me to believe I could splurge on a great tree and beautiful ornaments! I was so excited...I still am. I may become the crazy tree lady and leave it up all year long...
And last but not least...our trip to see Santa. Mandy and I took Hunter yesterday after an unsuccessful trip with Daddy on Friday (the line was way too long for a 2 year old's patience). We had running bets on whether Hunter would scream, but, Mommy lost. He sat very seriously with Santa, shaking his head vigorously no when asked to smile. No screams though, making it a successful Santa year for the second year in a row...
♦ I knew I was going to love this picture the second I took it! Him and Santa were having a one-on-one as Hunter asked him for a train and Little Einsteins laptop for Christmas...
As we were leaving, Hunter spotted the moving carousel near the door. A little boy was happily enjoying the $1 ride that his Grandparent's lovingly bought for him (Grandparent's are such suckers...). They were nice enough to let Hunter hitch a ride...
After the ride was over, Hunter wanted to see what the boat was all about (no doubt genes carried on from his Opa and Grandpa...) He couldn't quite find the seat though, but was content sitting in the hole where your legs go. Silly boy!
Well, that's all from the Anderson house (yes, my paperwork for my name change has been successfully submitted). We hope you all have a VERY Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Posted by Holly at Tuesday, December 23, 2008 0 thoughts
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I've filled out this survey for the last few years...This would be my 5th one.
The years gone by...
1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Lots of things -- I got married, traveled across an ocean, saw dolphins and seals in the wild, bought a house, all kinds of stuff.
2. Did you keep your New Years resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I did not keep my New Years resolution last year which just furthers my thought process in thinking that making resolutions is dumb. I will not make one for the next year.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not especially close to me, no, but being a photographer, I've seen lots of babies.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Not this year, thankfully.
5. What countries did you visit?
Lols. Right. I did travel from California to Catalina which is crossing an ocean -- which would be the closest thing to another country that I've ever gotten to...well, I guess I've driven on the border to Mexico before, lol. And we spent awhile in Pueblo this summer too, lol.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
I'd like Chase to get the promotion he wants and deserves. I want my wedding, but that's about it...maybe something else, but I'm not saying what :)
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
Nov. 19th, we got married.
Nov. 1st, Hunter turned 2!
Oct. 31st, worst pain I've experienced to date
July 2nd, I got Miley
June 27th, we closed on our house
I think the first part of the year was uneventful.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Booking 4 weddings and staying busying with my photography.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Being emotional.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Mid September my back start hurting sporadically. Since then, it's gotten worse and worse to the point now that I'm pretty much in pain every day for the majority of the day. It's been draining me physically, emotionally, as well as financially.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
The best thing? Hmmm -- my dress perhaps, or Peyton's dress (lol, she's too cute). Or my ring -- yup, probably my wedding band, I've so in love with it and got such a great price on it.
We also got a great deal on a tv this year.
Buuuuuuuttttttttt on top of everything else, OUR HOUSE!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My parents for always being by my side no matter what happens to me, for always supporting me, and for always loving me, Chase for putting up with my emotionalism and continuing to love me unconditionally, Hunter for being a crazy, energetic, and happy little boy.
(This was last years answer, but I shall keep it)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Some people really get on my nerves, but, it's not worth talking about.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Well, we have lots of bills. That's where most of it goes.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I'm really, really, really excited for our wedding and honeymoon, but that's next year. This year I was excited to see my sister TWICE. I was excited about Hunter's birthday party (until my back spasm the night before.) I am excited for Christmas.
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
"The Time of My Life" by David Cook because it was the American Idol song this year.
"Love You Till The End" by The Pogues because it was going to be our wedding song, but now it's not.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
Happier, definitely happier...but, I'm in much more pain.
ii. thinner or fatter?
iii. richer or poorer?
Richer although more of our money is spent on bills now -- but we do make more.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Hmmm -- I don't really know....just enjoying Hunter being 1, cuz now he's two and I'll never get 1 back again...
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Christmas eve we are hosting a get together at our house even though it's suppose to be Christmas morning and the emails say Christmas morning, but whatever. Christmas Day will be spent with my parent's, and...that might be it...which will be totally weird and slightly depressing...I'm used to these huge Christmas get togethers. New Years Eve will be spent celebrating Christmas with Chase's Dads Family.
22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Every day, more and more.
23. How many one night stands?
24. What was your favorite TV program(s)?
One Tree Hill, American Idol, House, The Hills, Real World, Dr Phil.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don't hate, but like I said earlier, something people are aggravating.
26. What was the best book you read?
Marley and Me was great, but so was everything I read by Jodi Picoult this year. I love her.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Hmmm -- Ingrid Michaelson perhaps.
28. What did you want and get?
A house, a ring, a new camera, a Miley. I get all sorts of things. Chase is good to me.
29. What did you want and not get?
Once again, I did not win the lottery...maybe next year.
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Hmmm -- P.S. I love You maybe. Marley and Me probably, but it's not out till Christmas. Little Einsteins Christmas Wish, lol.
31. What did you do on your birthday?
Pretty low key day. Mandy took me to lunch at Olive Garden with Hunter and Leila and then we did some shopping at Southlands. She bought me great new shoes that I never would have bought for myself, so that was exciting.
That afternoon, Chase locked his keys in his car, so I had to go rescue him, and then I picked up my own cake from Dairy Queen, and went home and ate it with my family. Dylan and Dalton were there also and I paid them $10 to watch Hunter while I went and rescued Chase (my mom was there to supervise of course, lol.)
32. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
I don't know, it was a very good year.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Comfy -- pj pants, sweats, tshirts, robes. Lol. I wore dresses and heels for a lot of interviews and then my back started hurting so I threw out all my heels :)
34. What kept you sane?
Chase (although he also drives me insane), baths, reading, sleeping, shopping.
35. Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
Uuuhhm -- probably The Hills characters.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Lol. I should just leave this blank...
37. Who did you miss?
My sister. Arizona.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Uhm - my new families I work for I guess.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
Grocery Shopping with a Two year old is more work than it's worth. Who needs to eat?
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I've always been right behind you
Now I'll always be right beside you
Posted by Holly at Tuesday, December 16, 2008 0 thoughts
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I can't believe the end of my 5 day vacation is over. It's back to work tomorrow for Hunter and I...and we have a five day week this week -- oh boy! So, here's a quick update of the changes in our life recently...
1. Chase and I got married on November 19th. Really, we just signed a common law form, but it does state that the only way to terminate our marriage is through divorce or death, so we're basically married! Yay! June 13th still seems so far away though, and I'm really looking forward to our actual wedding. It's a lot of fun referring to each other as husband and wife though...
2. I started a new job watching a few little boys in Franktown on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are good boys, but very long days. I'm hoping it improves as we get on some sort of schedule, but basically it's Go Go Go all day long! I still watch Henry, now on Monday and Wednesdays, so I do have three day weekends to work on photos...with the exception of this week!
3. Chase started working p/t with my brother in law selling windows. In his first week, he brought home over $500 in commissions, so we're really excited about the prospect of this. It's really win win for everybody, as the more Chase sells, the more money we get, and the more work my Dad has!
4. Hunter had his 2 year appointment. He is healthy and happy according to Dr. Jacobs who always tries to convince me that she doesn't tell all of her patients that they just keep getting more and more cute! He is doing very well though, so we'll keep up the good work!
5. Thanksgiving came and gone. Cayden Brandt, Tasha's new little boy, was born early Thanksgiving day, giving me a huge reminder that my Grandfather is still around! His birthday is the same as Cayden's and it makes me smile knowing they will share the day, even if Cayden never knows it!
6. We bought our first Christmas tree and a new set of ornaments! This will be our first Christmas as husband and wife (yay!) as well as our first Christmas in our first house! This Christmas will be light on the presents side, but huge on the family side -- Chase and I plan on spending lots of quality time together celebrating!
7. I am in the process of changing my name. Soon, I will be Holly Kristeen Anderson. I'll let you know when it's official!
8. Chase announced to me last week that he will be bringing home a $2000 *before taxes* Christmas bonus this year. This was HUGE for us as it will help bring us out of debt...we are very excited to no longer feel the strain of credit card debt. We are also excited to be able to hopefully help my parent's out with wedding costs, as well as save up for new cars and our honeymoon! It is a huge leap in the right direction for us.
I think that's all the new updates!
So, on another note...for 2008, this is what I'm thankful for...
I am thankful that I am healthy and happy, and that my family is healthy and happy. I am thankful that we were all able to spend another year together. I am thankful that in the time of this horrible economy, the people closest to me still have good jobs, their houses, and money to support their families. I am thankful that my son has had another year to learn and grow. He is a wonderful little boy, and I am thankful for everyday I get to spend with him. I am very thankful that I have gone another year without having to put him in daycare. I am thankful that I have such a wonderful, loving, and amazing husband. I am thankful that Chase and I were able to purchase our first home this year, and thankful that we got the house we did on the budget we have. We are very happy here, and love our wonderful town home. I am thankful that the snow has come late this year, and we have had so many wonderful snow free days! I am thankful that Lisa's ordeal is almost over, which is one step closer to bringing my sister home for good! And last but certainly not least, I am thankful for my cute, loving puppies, who really make our house a home!
Posted by Holly at Sunday, November 30, 2008 0 thoughts
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Day!
I know, it's been awhile. I've been slacking, really. I do have a semi-good excuse. I've been having some back problems lately, so...I pretty much don't do much of anything anymore! Today's the first day in quite some time that I actually feel pretty good, so yay! I've been seeing a chiropractor, so maybe it's working!!
On to other more important things...
Hunter is two! I can't believe that my little baby is "officially" not a baby anymore. So far, two has been much the same as one! Lol. Some grumpies here and there, but overall, Hunter's a pretty content kid. Although I do think he's been watching too much tv lately, but...well, see above. :)
We celebrated Hunter's birthday for two days. On Halloween, I was babysitting Henry, so Hunter, Henry and I went to our playgroup's party at an indoor park. That was a lot of fun, and the kid's got to wear their costumes and eat some yummy treats! After nap time, we went trick or treating at RE/MAX so Chase could show off Hunter to all of his co-workers! For dinner that evening, we took Hunter to Red Robin. They sang Happy Birthday to him, and I swear he acted like he was all embarrassed. It was pretty hilarious! Afterwards, we went to Adam and Kim's house to go trick or treating with Peyton and then to just hang out for awhile! I love Hunter and Peyton together...they are too cute!
Saturday morning, we woke up early and gave Hunter his birthday gift from us! He was so excited...I think it's easy to see that he loved it!
Then, we got ready for our birthday party!!! Although it wasn't as big of a turn out as we had expected, Hunter still had a lot of fun, and got some great gifts! We mostly asked for clothes, but Hunter didn't seem to mind, and still got plenty of toys anyways! I think he enjoyed the cake the best though!
Well, there ya have it! I have a lot of other cute pictures I need to add sometime, but, sometime may be a few days away :) Aside from my back, photo shoots and wedding planning are taking up quite a bit of time now a days. Oh well! :)
Happy November Everyone...and just keep in won't be my fault, I voted for McCain :).
P.S. Thank you to everyone who helped make Hunter's birthday a success. I could not have done it without all the help I received! I truly appreciate everyone's kindness while I've been a bit out of sorts! Thank you thank you!
Posted by Holly at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 thoughts
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married...
I'm excited! The whole point of this blog entry is to say I'm excited!
We're really starting to put together all the details for our wedding. I did accept the job with Farmer's, but told them I would probably start after the holidays. I wanted to give myself a few months to have my nanny job, do the photo shoots I already have lined up, and to get as much wedding stuff done as possible!
Obviously, the wedding stuff is what I'm excited about! We really started to put some stuff together last weekend -- our "Save the Dates" are complete and will be going out soon! I have a ton of ideas for the "little details" of our wedding, and have actually begun to gather the supplies to put it all together!
This weekend, the boys in my family are going deer/elk hunting. I'm excited for Chase's first hunting trip (even though I despise hunting and generally turn into a vegetarian for about a week after each trip), but more than that, I'm excited that I get to spend the weekend at my mom's with her, Mandy and Shawna putting together wedding ideas! I think we're going to do our card box, flower girl basket, ring bearer pillow and possibly start on our place cards and programs. I know we still have months to go, but again, I'm trying to get as much in place as possible so that when I start my new job I have less on my plate and won't be stressing about all the wedding things I need to accomplish!
Chase is less than thrilled about all this going on, and how I've turned our kitchen table into a craft zone - with magazine pages and fabric swatches littering the area. I don't think he quite understands it -- just like how I don't quite understand why he would want to go shoot a poor little deer.
The good news is...I'm excited!
Posted by Holly at Tuesday, October 14, 2008 0 thoughts
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Time will tell
I've got a lot of things on my plate today -- not only today, but in October, and, well, in the next year, and maybe the next rest of my life. Today is a day of work, as will the next, and the next. I feel I need to take a few minutes though and write my feelings so that maybe someday when Hunter reads this, he will know the process of my decisions and how I'm trying to do what is best for our family. I hope he does not see me as selfish or uncaring. I hope he does not get angry at me for leaving him. I hope he can understand.
I decided to take a job with Farmer's Insurance Group. It's more than a job really, it's my own business. I'm in charge of making it grow, or letting it fail and it scares me so incredibly much to have that power when I have so little experience. They see potential in me though, and I know I have plenty of potential to give...but I'm so fearful of having it fail. At first, I have to struggle with my day to day routines that I currently do while trying to build up my business. I need to get some income generated while doing what I do already -- nannying twice a week, laundry, cleaning, cooking, and most importantly, caring for Hunter, Jetta and Miley. Eventually, when the pace picks up due to some income growth, Hunter will need a caregiver -- either a school type environment several days a week, or a nanny coming to our home and caring for him.
In the next few weeks, my biggest concentration is going to be getting myself relicensed. I originally though I have up to 6 weeks to do that, but, they want it done asap -- in a matter of 2 weeks or less. I ordered my first study materials this morning, and have already dived right in relearning the vocabulary I once took 3 months to learn. On top of that, I start my nanny job next Wednesday, and have photo shoots lined up every weekend this month.
Right now, I need courage, strength, wisdom, and encouragement. Right now I need to know that I CAN and WILL acomplish everything on my plate, do it to the best of my ability, and become a shining star in this new business opportunity. I have never had a job that I failed at -- in fact, I always do shine. I am always loved by my employers, and have always strived far above what they expected of me. I have gained so much through this -- knowledge, leadership, and a great sense of maturity for my age. As I approach what may be the biggest challenge in my life I need to use everything I have been given, and everything I have earned and put it into creating a stable future for my family. I can do this, and I will do this. I will succeed at it. I will put every waking moment into creating a future in which Hunter will someday be thankful for.
...Just let me get through today first.
Posted by Holly at Thursday, October 02, 2008 1 thoughts
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So Chase was complaining about heart burn and saying he wanted some Pepto Bismol and he was saying how he thought "Bismol" meant the end of the world and I said "No, that's Obama."
Posted by Holly at Tuesday, September 23, 2008 0 thoughts
Monday, September 22, 2008
Could you repeat yourself? You couldn't possibly want me to cook for 60 people...
Quick update before I go settle in and watch me some OTH and The Hills.
Posted by Holly at Monday, September 22, 2008 1 thoughts
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Let's Go Rockies, Let's Go!
Posted by Holly at Sunday, September 21, 2008 0 thoughts
Monday, September 15, 2008
Weekend Heart Attacks
Luckily, LUCKILY, LUCKILY, Hunter never got stung. Jetta ended up with probably 20 stings, and Miley maybe 5 or so.
Ugh. So Chase killed 4 or 5 that made it into the house, got Hunter out of the shower and put him to bed, and finally I got out too. I can feel 3 stings on my head and one on my neck. It’s terrible. They don’t hurt now, but for a few hours Saturday night, I was in some major pain.
So now,I hate bees.
Posted by Holly at Monday, September 15, 2008 1 thoughts
Thursday, September 11, 2008
today is not my day.
this is what i think today -
Posted by Holly at Thursday, September 11, 2008 0 thoughts
Monday, September 8, 2008
Who's Baby?
My first diaper cake...a little plain, but this is what $20 could buy...
Posted by Holly at Monday, September 08, 2008 0 thoughts
Monday, September 1, 2008
Laborless days
"it was labor day weekend, i was seventeen. i bought a coke and some gasoline and i drove out to the county fair. when i saw her for the first time, she was standing there in the ticket line, and it all started right then and there. " there's some good ole tim mcgraw for your enjoyment!
so this labor day, we went down the pueblo with al, brandi, kim, adam and peyton. chase and i chose to leave hunter, jetta and miley with grandma and grandpa while we enjoyed a relaxing weekend to ourselves. the weather was great, although the water was a bit chilly. i think we all had fun.
- this jet ski goes a little too fast for me. why someone would want to go 69MPH on the water is beyond me, but i think chase does it just to make me scream.
al and brandi - maybe brandi will kill me for putting this picture in here :)
chase and i hanging out at the front of the boat.
here is kimber water skiing for the first time in a few years...
here is kimber falling :)
peyton rarely gives me a smile when i have my camera out..
chase pushing me off the boat while al snapped the picture. evidently, this was planned -- not very nice!
chase and i jumping off the top of al's boat. i did this just to get this picture. haha.
chase and i enjoying the cold water. this lasted for approximately long enough to take this picture before we climbed back into the boat.
jumping the wake on the jet ski. take note of how tight i am holding on...
before the trip, hunter and i made some yummy oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies -- hunter loved them!
awww, here's my little man in his tux for kim and adam's wedding! doesn't he look too cute?
so, that's how our life has been going lately! i also started another blog the other night. this one is just a place for me to write about the books i read, and what they make me think about. check it out here:
Posted by Holly at Monday, September 01, 2008 0 thoughts
Thursday, August 28, 2008
music in my heart
i just added a playlist to our blog. most of these songs have some relevance to my relationship with chase. for the most part though, he has no idea what that relevance is...he may surprise me by knowing a few though. and much to chase's dismay, the flobots have no relevance to our relationship other than the fact that he makes me listen to them all the time :).
of course the dance songs for our wedding are not on here -- those shall remain a surprise to those of you who haven't been lucky enough to hear them yet. :)
i'll add more songs as i think of them...
btw, hunter has been in his bed now for 5 nights, and he is doing wonderfully. he loves his big boy bed, and is so excited to get in it everynight -- usually before he's even gotten his pajamas on!
Posted by Holly at Thursday, August 28, 2008 0 thoughts
Sunday, August 24, 2008
big boys still cry!
my baby has officially grown up into a big boy. in the last two weeks, hunter has mastered his spoon and fork -- but more than that, he refuses to eat with a "baby" fork...he needs a big boy one.
and then...this weekend, hunter's crib came down, and his big boy bed went up! i was going to wait to switch him over -- keep him a baby for awhile longer...he looks so little in his crib. buuutttt a few weeks ago, while out shopping, my mom bought him a big boy bed for her house. he was so excited about it, and absolutely loved it! chase's cousin holly got married this weekend (very nice wedding, pictures to be posted soon), so hunter stayed with my parents. he slept the whole night in his bed without any problems, so, i figured it was time...
this was right after his last nap in his crib...
...and then...
daddy took the crib down, and up went his brand new car bed! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!
At first, he wanted to get in it while i was still making it, so he started throwing a fit. well, even after we put him in it, he kept throwing his fit...
finally, he calmed down enough to lay happily with daddy...i don't think chase fits well.
and this was right before bedtime -- a few hours later, he woke up screaming because he fell out - hehe.
last weekend, we went to the zoo for a few hours in the morning. hunter was very well behaved, the weather was beautiful (a little chilly even!!!) and the zoo wasn't crowded at all!
Posted by Holly at Sunday, August 24, 2008 0 thoughts