Tuesday, August 19, 2008

where's your cheese?

we started out our wonderful friday by watching The Wiggles. Take note of The Wiggles slippers :)

then, we spent at least 45 minutes going up and down the stairs together. hunter thought it was the greatest thing in the world. please ignore the really gross socks --- this pic was taken late in the evening after chase got home from work :)

then, we went down to our newly designed playroom. hunter was so excited to see some of his toys he hasn't seen since we moved in. this picture was taken after he crashed his airplane. he looked at me and said "uh oh!"

next, we spent some quality time with our favorite doggies, Jetta and Miley.

This is what happens when Jetta tries to relax...

blow mommy a kiss hunter...(two handed kisses are extra special)

hey hunter, where is your tummy?

there it is!!!

okay, now say "cheese"

daddy has a bad "cheese" face

and one pic from the night before...hunter, do you want to go night night?

and that was our day in photos!