Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years Resolutions!!!

I totally hate new year's resolutions. I haven't really found anyone yet that's kept a serious resolution. I hate how January is the biggest sales month for fitness places, but that visitation drops significantly once Feb. hits. They should call it January resolutions as people seem to lose focus after 30 days or so...

I never make new year's resolutions...until this year. I have goals, but they are more like "life long" goals...as in, sometime in my life, I will do this or that. This year, I have a resolution though! And it's a cool one, that will effect my blog!

My resolution is to take a family photo EVERY DAY! Sick days, busy days, pajama days, vacation days, snow days, sun days, EVERY DAY! I would like to say I'll upload these pictures to my blog every day, but I just can't seem to see that one happening! I think once a week will be my goal! 2010 will be our best documented year yet!

And as far as my rules go, family photos can consist of anything our family did that day, and does not have to include all of us in it. It could just be Hunter, or just Jetta or Miley, or even just Chase or me. Just showing something that we did that day. I think I'll even go as far to say that it could even just consist of our house - a new house-hold project, or new purchase, or what not!

I challenge everyone out there to make a FUN resolution this year, and one that you might actually enjoy (and keep!)